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RTK technology promotes precision agriculture and modernizes agricultural production

20 Apr

In recent years, with the development of science and technology, RTK technology has been applied more and more widely in the agricultural field. RTK technology can provide centimeter-level positioning accuracy for agricultural machinery, help farmers to carry out fine operations, and improve agricultural production efficiency and benefits.

RTK technology, namely real-time dynamic carrier phase difference technology, is a high-precision positioning technology. Through synchronous observation of reference station and mobile station, it realizes fast and high precision positioning function by using carrier phase observation value.

In the field of agriculture, RTK technology can be applied to farmland mapping, sowing, fertilization, plant protection, harvest and other links.

1. Farmland surveying and mapping RTK technology can be used for farmland surveying and mapping to quickly and accurately obtain the area, shape, terrain and other information of farmland, providing basic data for farmland planning, design and management

2. Seeding RTK technology can be used for precision seeding, according to the actual situation of the field, determine the best sowing spacing and row spacing, improve the uniformity and efficiency of seeding.

 3. Fertilization RTK technology can be used for precise fertilization, quantitative fertilization according to soil fertility and crop growth needs, reducing fertilizer waste and improving fertilizer utilization rate.

4. Plant protection

RTK technology can be used for precision plant protection, using equipment such as drones to spray operations, improve the efficiency and accuracy of plant protection operations, and reduce the use of pesticides.

 5. Harvest

RTK technology can be used for precise harvesting, increasing harvesting efficiency and reducing losses.


RTK technology is an important supporting technology for the development of modern agriculture, which can help improve the quality and efficiency of agricultural production and achieve green development.


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